We want to see all waiting children placed in a family in which they can thrive

To that end, we will work to facilitate the adoption of the worlds waiting children into loving christian homes by giving financial assistance to families, and advocating for those children who are waiting in institutions or in foster care.

November is National Adoption Month

Listen to our podcast on Adoption and check out our latest events.


The White family in South Africa

Meet the White family who are currently in South Africa completing the adoption of their son. This family, who lives in rural SE Indiana began the adoption process in 2022. Rhoda and Joshua were not originally thinking about adopting internationally. They had fostered and adopted one of their children from foster care years ago and were considering following that path again. Having four children, their motivation was solely to follow God’s plan for their family and provide a home for a child who needed one. Rhoda states that they had contacted some local agencies about foster care and never heard back. “Clearly,” said Rhoda, “God had closed that door.”

In the spring of 2022, their goal of adoption changed. After hearing a speaker at their church, they decided to begin looking online to investigate other types of adoption available to them. In their search, they both separately and unknown to the other happened upon the same picture of a young boy in South Africa who was waiting for a family. Both Joshua and Rhoda believed that God was opening a door and it was up to them to take the next step. They called the agency that was working with the boy’s orphanage and began the process of adoption. In a recent Facebook post, Rhoda stated, “We knew the moment we saw your sweet smile, that you were our son! Lots of paperwork, meetings, fundraisers, prayer, tears, and excitement but we never doubted for a minute that you were ours!”

Be The One awarded them an adoption grant in the fall of 2022, they traveled to South Africa in April and completed their adoption on May 3rd. They will remain in South Africa for a short time soaking up the culture and bonding before heading back to the States. Please pray for God’s continued blessings and guidance for this family as they get ready to travel home. If you would like to help this family or one of the other families we give financial assistance to, please click on the donate button or email us at marybethosowski@betheone1.org.